Matte painting and Photobashing

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Before starting a Matte painting project it is necessary to make sketches about the idea which we must capture on the canvas and check if it really works or if some details need to be adjusted. It is also very common to create several concept arts and then analyze which one fits better with the concept we want to convey.

Durante este proceso se trabaja mucho técnicas de pintura digital para bocetar a grandes rasgos formas, luces, sombras y detalles de la composición para testear la escena y comprobar que realmente el centro de atención capta nuestro interés o si es necesario añadir/eliminar detalles antes de trabajar con imágenes o modelos 3D definitivos. Para ello es necesario conocer el funcionamiento de los pinceles y disponer de un buen kit que nos permita trabajar de forma rápida el conpcepto de la escena.

While we are working in this process we use a lot with digital painting techniques to sketch shapes, lights, shadows and compositions details to test the scene and check that the center of attention really captures our interest or if it is necessary to add/remove details before working with final images or 3D renders. For this it is necessary to know how the brush tools work and to have a good kit that allows us to work quickly on the concept of the scene.

Matte painting sketch

¿What Photobashing is?

El photobashing es una técnica que ha surgido en los últimos años donde el artista fusiona fotografías u objetos 3D mientras dibuja y realiza la composición para obtener la pieza final sin necesidad de recurir a los pinceles.

Photobashing is a technique which has arised in recent years where the artist merges photographs or 3D renders while drawing and composing to get the final piece without resorting to brushes.

This technique was developed by video game artists, who need to find new workflows to get ideas faster and get more realistic images. In this process it is not necessary to work with final images, we can use any image from the internet no matter its quality, as long as it fits what we are looking for.

¿Why use photobashing technique?

Photobashing can be used to design objects, creatures, costumes, landscapes and even whole worlds in projects where time and quality are at a premium and we need to produce a piece with a high level of detail but with little time.

If you want to learn more about this technique and put it into practice, creating reference sketches using the Photobashing technique, I recommend this course by Carles Marsal, in which you will also acquire incredible lighting and composition tricks. I recommend it.

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