Matte painting in architecture

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We find more and more projects where Matte painting is used to create a more significant impact on the audience. Traditionally it consisted of painting on different layers of glass to recreate photorealistic environments that were used as backgrounds in films and integrated with actors in the same scene. Next has been applied in the world of video games, advertising, and even websites.

Ahora está teniendo una acogida realmente buena en el ámbito de la arquitectura, con el objetivo de captar la atención del usuario creando entornos acogedores y únicos que diferencien nuestra propuesta del resto. No es suficiente con crear render realistas a partir de modelos 3D, las reglas han cambiado y es necesario contar una historia en la pieza final, integrar personas, realizar ajustes de luz y sombras para lograr transmitir un ambiente acogedor, moderno o juvenil en la composición.

Now it is time for architecture, with the aim of capturing the user’s attention by creating cozy and unique environments which make a difference from other options. It is not enough to create realistic renders from 3D models, the rules have changed and it is necessary to tell a story in the final piece, integrate people, make adjustments of light and shadows to convey a cozy, modern or youthful atmosphere in the composition.

matte painting arquitectura

Why Matte painting is interesting in architecture?

Matte painting allows us to create real or invented environments with great ease. In addition, the post-production process of the renders is much easier. For example, Ronen Bekerman uses this technique in some of his making of.

Duong Van Sinh, from VietCG, shares this presentation where you can review his Matte Painting process to bring an Archviz project to life using Photoshop and a little imagination.

Workshops and courses about Matte Painting in architecture.

Curso Matte painting - Schooling

If you want to learn Matte painting applied to architecture I invite you to participate in this workshop which is now in its third edition. It is not chosen at random, this school and its courses are give by Adan Martin, a guru of 3D photorealism. You can take a look at his Youtube channel and see for yourselves.

Curso Matte painting arquitectura - Domestika

I also share with you a course in Domestika related to this topic to learn the basics in the recreation of architectural spaces givent by the architectural studio Phrame.

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