Creative Commons licenses

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What Creative Commons licenses are?

Creative Commons is a license created from Copyleft, which offers the possibility to use, copy or redistribute a work and its derivative versions simply recognizing its authorship, without requiring authorization. It is identified with the symbol CC inside a circle.

Creative commons licenses

When we work with products under the Creative Commons license does not mean that we can use it without worrying about copyright infringement. Under this type of license we must meet a number of requirements that establish how to use the product we are using, whether it is an image, a video, a plugin, etc…

For this reason it is necessary to analyze under which type of Creative Commons license such product is submitted. There are currently up to 6 types of Creative Commons licenses. From the one that allows us to use the product freely, to the one that we must add some type of attribution to the author passing through a series of specifications that we will comment below.

Types of Creative Commons licenses

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It allows any exploitation of the work, including the commercial purpose, as well as the creation and distribution of derivative works without any restrictions.

Recognition, Non-Commercial, Equal Sharing

The commercial use of the original work or any derivative works is not permitted, the distribution of which must be done with a license equal to that governing the original work.

Recognition, Equal sharing

The commercial use of the work and any derivative works is allowed, the distribution of which must be done with a license equal to that governing the original work.

Recognition, Non-Commercial

It allows the generation of derivative works without commercial use of the original work.

Recognition, Non-Commercial, no derivative work

Neither the commercial use of the original work nor the generation of derivative works is permitted.

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Recognition, no derivative work

Commercial use of the work is allowed but not the generation of derivative works.

If you want to know more about this type of licenses and be updated with the news you can follow their official website.

Remember that every time we make use of any product/service that we find on the internet this is under a type of license that we must respect, that is why it is always necessary to search and read carefully under which authorship license you are to make a correct use of it.

Categoría/s: Design and development web Graphic design

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