Discover the differences between a concept artist and a matte painter, two artistic figures with different skills and objectives.
Most commonly used bitmap image formats for mobile devices and for printing on graphic media.
The lack of culture in graphic design is a reality that we designers must solve and give its fair value in society.
When we finish our graphic design studies we need to create a portfolio to present the skills acquired during the years of learning and show what we are capable of, our strengths that companies should bet on when hiring us. The possibilities are very varied, from creating a portfolio in PDF format online, printed (this […]
Organic SEO is a method that if we do it right we will get a considerable increase in traffic and our brand will benefit.
Review of Naomi Klein’s book “No logo”. A very interesting book about the relationship of brands in society over the years.
Collection of online photomontage and retouching courses where you will learn techniques and methodologies to improve in this discipline.
Burnout. Society offers us many possibilities to achieve our goals, but if we do not manage them, they can turn against you.
Organic SEO is a method that if we do it right we will get a considerable increase in traffic and our brand will benefit.
There are many types of Creative commons licenses. Know each one to make a correct use of the product/service.
The digital matte painter profile is more fashionable than ever thanks to new technologies in areas of visual entertainment.
Download textures for free from these websites and use them in any graphic projects you are working on.
Here, I analyze the impact of design in our daily lives and how it continues to be a driving force in social and cultural change. I address topics such as creativity, its importance in the design process and how to face new projects and challenges in a constantly evolving sector.
Explorar OpiniónBurnout. Society offers us many possibilities to achieve our goals, but if we do not manage them, they can turn against you.
What is the infinite game and why are the most successful brands the ones that put it into practice? Do you dare to play it?