Books for training creativity

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There are many books about creativity which tell us how to develop it in order to put it into practice, not only in artistic projects, where its use becomes more evident to achieve different goals, but also in other areas where we need another point of view to improve certain habits, which will produce benefits.

Throughout my career I have read many books about creativity, but I have to say that some of them are not entirely practical. They help to motivate, but when it comes to applying techniques for the search for new ideas, they fall short.

Books - creativity

Books to train creativity

I would like to share some of the books I have read on this subject with a small and modest opinion of each one, in case it helps you when you want to buy any of them.

Of course, you can leave your recommendations in the comments below to add to the list.

Creative thinking

Creative thinking – Edward De Bono

I begin with the one which for me is the most practical and useful. It is written by an eminence in this area and his book demonstrates it. Perhaps a little technical and at the beginning it seems to go off the deep end, without going into detail about what really interests us, but as you read on you see the need to clarify certain previous concepts.

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Get creative

Get creative

In this book the author synthesises the philosophies, lessons and stories around creation that he has been hearing from colleagues, fans and his own head. An exploration of human inspiration and creativity and, above all, an invitation to action for artists who have never been interested in making art.

The author is a very successful American musician, which is why he makes use of certain terms that are not commonly used when explaining experiences he has had throughout his career, but which do not hinder his reading.

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via del creativo

The creative way

This book presents psychological concepts to work on creativity. After reading it, I see it more as a motivational book, which helps you to work on the motivational part and the attitude that every creative person should have to put into practice those techniques that are a bit missing. It also shares inspiring experiences of famous people. I don’t mean it’s a bad book, in fact it’s very well organised and how it presents the content, it’s also very good book when you need to take a break from work and disconnect, but if you’re looking for techniques to develop creativity, look for another book that fits better.

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creatividad sa

Creativity S.A.

The author of this book, Ed Catmull, talks about fostering creativity in an organisation, based on his experience as one of the presidents of Pixar Studios. The main objective of the book is to show the reader how to create a sustainable creative culture in a company in order to achieve excellence in the products created.

This does not mean that the book is aimed exclusively at entrepreneurs or employees who hold an important creative rank in organisations; anyone who has the ability to propose changes in their workplace will find it useful.

Although it takes some distance away from learning techniques to develop creativity, it is a good read to understand how to create a work environment that fosters creativity and use it as a tool in everyday work.

Categoría/s: Graphic design

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