Creative block – how to overcome it

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What is the creative block?

The creative block is a situation that every professional is terrified of, but sooner or later we have to face it, because when faced with a blank sheet of paper, ideas don’t always come flooding out. Every creative project begins with an empty document that we must fill.

When we are in a creative block the mind is locked in a room from which we do not have the key to get out. To find a way out, everyone has different methods, but they all have one thing in common: Disconnect from the project we are working on.

Creative block - how to overcome it

En este artículo quiero compartir los métodos que para mi funcionan y me han ayudado a retomar el proyecto con la mente menos embotada y más limpia.

In this article I want to share the methods that work for me and which they have helped me to return at the project with more energy.

Ideas for overcoming creative block

Listening to music

Although I usually listen music when I am working in a creative process, there are times that it helps me to disconnect and to avoid the feared creative block. It doesn’t have to be a specific type of music, there are times when rock music helps me more than pop, or even classical music, it depends on the occasion.

When I listen to music while working I do it through the digital platform like Spotify, but when I listen to music to disconnect and avoid the creative block I listen to it in analog format (on vinyl) to get up from the desk and immerse myself more in the music.


Video games have been a source of inspiration and a way of total disconnection since my childhood. It activates all my senses and accelerates mental activity, which helps me to return to the creative project with more energy.

Reead, see movies or series

There are many books which are inspiring. It has happened to me many times, that I pick up a book and after 10 minutes my mind recovers its creative freedom and ideas start to travel. It especially happens to me with conceptual artwork books or books about graphic design in which colleagues in the profession share their ideas and advice.

Hay películas o series que provocan el mismo efecto, especialmente las que hacen uso de CGI (Computer-generated imagery). O simplemente disfrutas un buen rato con una buena historia.

There are movies or series which provoke me the same effect, especially those that make use of CGI (Computer-generated imagery). Or you just enjoy a good time with a good story.

Walk on foot

I usually do this at the end of the day or during the weekend, to empty myself of all the hours I have worked during the day and come back with my batteries recharged. Where I live, I am lucky to have a beach a few meters away and I take advantage of it to take long walks on the sand, next to the shore to listen to the waves of the sea.

Drink a good coffee

The ally and great friend for many people, which helps to start the day. It is true that caffeine accelerates us and adds a plus in our activity that is often appreciated. I try not to abuse this drink.

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