Designing a cover book

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In a lot of ocassions you mustn´t judge a book by its cover, but the appearance´s cover influence in a important way in order to sell a book, specially when we don´t have its content very clear. It´s funny design a cover book when you make jobs about editorial design and layout.

The cover book must convey its essence, even increase it. In the process of creation, we can distinguish two kinds of job, creative and technic.

For the creative process from cover book is important to know his content and what talking about, of this way we can create ideas around the main subject and later we choice the most interesting for the audience. On this process, that seem easy, we waste more time in order to draw sketches and find creatives ideas for our cover book. Nowadays, the hypotetic purchaser give thank that don´t undervalue his intelligence, so, its advisable offer messages which entail any contest or any emotion. This is a point which any creative person must lost.

diseñar cubierta libro
When we have the idea for the design cover book, we start the technic process, where we find different elements, not only to handle application, also about advertising theories, which it will shaping the idea and even it will reinforce. For example, using right tyography and create contrast between them in order to highlight the message more interesting (In this point is important not use more that two different fonts). Also you avoid add images inside box, is like amateur.

Before you start with cover book layout we must talk with the printing technic features, like security margin. The communication between designer and printing must be flowing to the end. In fact, when we will have designed and sent our cover book to printing, we need to do a tiny adjust: to know the backbone size in order to the folds will be adjusted. The backbone size depends of many factors. Mainly the amount of paper, and also the kind of paper, kind of bookbinding, etc… This change in the backbone will be able to do the printing or the designer.

When the printing tell us that all is right, only we must wait to finish the print process in order to have the final product in our hands.
cubierta libro

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Categoría/s: Graphic design

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