Deividart- Blog de diseño gráfico y diseño/desarrollo web

Invest in organic SEO

SEO Orgánico

To promote a website you can choose different marketing techniques. It is important to know where your audience is for getting success and that will help you to know which technique is the most appropriate to reach them.

Organic SEO is a method which, if we do it right, we will increase in traffic and our brand position will benefit with notoriety. Our public will see us as a reference in the field we are working on, why? The answer is simple, if when entering search terms (keywords) our website appears among the first options they automatically relate us as the reference site for their solution, but beware, this can come down if the content does not really meet their expectations, and cause the opposite effect.

How much should I invest in an organic SEO campaign?

The answer is not simple, there are many keys that come into play, such as the competition in the market we are in, the keywords for which we want to position ourselves, the current situation of the website in terms of search engine positioning, etc… Of course, if we want to do it well and get good results, it is not cheap. It requires dedicating constant time and controlling many technical details.

It is not just a matter of periodically writing new quality content on our website, we must also know, for example, how to tag the text and images using HTML5 code correctly in order to tell search engines what the content is about; Incite the user to spend as much time as possible on the web. The less bounce rate we have the better, it will be an indication that our content interests users and much; Previously it is necessary to make an analysis and see what keywords to attack in our organic SEO campaign.

All this and more is necessary to carry out a professional organic SEO campaign, in addition to periodically analyze the traffic which visit our website thanks to Tracking applications such as Google Analytics, to see what works and what doesn’t to make decisions throughout the campaign.

Organic SEO

In order to obtain results in organic SEO it is necessary to think in the medium/long term (minimum 3 to 6 months) so that all the work takes effect in the potential search engines and they analyze the content of our website from time to time. That is why many users are wary of investing in this type of campaign. Personally I think that the best thing to do is to establish a monthly fee and approximate objectives. For example to establish that in 2-3 months the traffic increase will increase by “x%”.

Other solutions in addition to organic SEO

If you want to get immediate results, there are other options such as investing in SEM, which are paid services, in which the user will find you on the keywords you have defined in your campaign.

Other ways to attract traffic to your website besides online search engines can be using Email marketing (Newsletter), Remarketing, social networks, through offline media (cards, flyers, etc…).

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