Support web browser

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Time ago we had between us HTML5, CSS3 and new API Javascript in order to can create the new generation about webs and mobile applications, but the rules aren’t normalized and if you could use a tag months ago, nowadays it is removed (like hgroup tag from HTML5).

Besides, the web browsers continues updating and step by step they give support at new rules from these programming languages. We should take specially care, because if some work in a broweser maybe in other not (specially in Internet Explorer ¬¬).
Soporte de navegadores web
So, when we’ll use new code, any programming language, we should be secure ourself about his support in each web browser and his versions.

Can I use is a query web for developers, which show all news and the support among all versions and web browsers most important, no only for HTML5, CSS or Javascript API, new typography, images or video formats too.

On this way we avoid to search among thousand pages from researcher, without to be secure that the information which we are seing is updated..

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Categoría/s: Design and development web

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