Few years ago when we developed a website we used images in .jpg or .png format, however, as both formats are bitmaps they have some limitations. There were other alternatives such as the creation of vector shapes with Flash tool, but it was and is an external solution in terms of HTML language, is outdated tool and besides it have problems to index its content for search engines.
This is why the SVG format is used recently, and thanks to its features it will become more and more popular, especially for apps and websites.
What are the advantages of using SVG images?
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) are vector images in XML format, designed for media such as websites and apps, so that, regardless of the size of the screen we are viewing, the graphic will scale without losing quality.

The text is editable and indexable so search engines will be able to register its content without any difficulty.
It is supported by current web standards (CSS, Javascript and HTML). This means an unsurpassed creative power for the creation of graphics, animations, effects, etc…
The SVG file is a normal text file, so you can open it with a notepad and edit its content, as long as you have the necessary knowledge.
SVG files support CSS styles, so that if we change the style of our website it will also be changed within the file. You can include scripts that allow dynamic paths. This format supports actions such as rollovers or click-through changes; with the visual opportunities it offers.
Currently there are already several applications for the creation of this type of graphics. Adobe Illustrator, for example, allows you to create this type of images and even get the code of our graphic to implement it in apps or websites.