El pincho – Fruits and vegetables

El pincho - Fruits and vegetables  - Logotype
Logotipo para la nueva imagen de El Pincho.
El pincho - Logo in one color versions
Black and white versions of the logo.
El pincho - Color palette
Chromatic palette chosen, with tones related to the countryside, transmitting both joy and vitality.
El pincho - Tipography
Se escogió una tipografía alegre, con trazos ondulados, pero sin comprometer su legibilidad. Para los textos se ha escogido una tipografía más estándar, con trazos sin serifa y suavizados.
Fruits shop - El pincho
Coating of stall in Chiclana de la Frontera’s market square with vinyl printing.
Fruits shop - El pincho
Coating of stall in Chiclana de la Frontera’s market square with vinyl printing.

Development of corporate image during the period of time I worked in the advertising agency, specialized in signage, Publicentro del Sur, for the fruit shop “El Pincho” located in the food market of Chiclana de la Frontera.

We focused the project on a cheerful image with colors related to the agricultural sector but keeping a retro style, to convey the longevity of this profession.