Familia Camarón – Music

Familia Camarón - Main logotype
Main logotype


This time we wanted to transmit the folklore of the gypsy culture in the renewal of the new image of Familia Camarón, with golden and silver tones in terms of color and an elegant and characteristic typography.

Familia Camarón - Logotype versions
Logotype versions – Negative, positive and gray scale
Logotipo - Print sizes
Logo versions depending on print and display size.
Familia Camarón - Color palette
Color palette
Familia Camarón - Typography
Edited typography for the construction of the logo.
Logotype - Security area
Demarcated safety area when the logo coexists with other graphic elements.

Development of new corporate image for Familia Camarón. Keeping the insignia and emblem of the moon and Star of David we redesigned the new Familia Camarón brand for the launch of their new LP for 2020.

Around the crescent moon and Star of David we developed a new image for Familia Camarón. We are looking for an elegant and glamorous line, but without reaching extravagance or exaggeration.