Bochas – Wine shop

Bochas - The pleasure of eating wine
Bochas - The pleasure of eating wine

Collaboration with Arcafilms for the design and development of the website Bochas – The pleasure of eating wine. Gastronomic product that offers the possibility of eating wine spheres for a wide variety of dishes, from meats, desserts or simple starters.

The design was carried out by Arcafilms, relying mainly on multimedia material thanks to the photo and video shoots they did. I was in charge of the technical part using the CMS WordPress for content management and the Woocommerce plugin for the online shop system. The content was also optimised for SEO using the YoastSEO plugin..

The purchase process had a particularity and that is that the user had to complete packs of 8-4-2 jars depending on the weight of each one. So we had to make use of the Min/Max quantity plugin to implement this requirement during checkout.


  • Fully customised and responsive template design
  • Develop in WordPress and Woocommerce

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Tools used:

WordPress/Woocommerce – Javascript – CSS – HTML