Ohlala details

Ohlala WordPress
Ohlala - ecommerce

The Ohlala detalles website offers its online shop of gifts and details designed for any type of event throughout Spain. The design of the website was made by the company itself, as they make their own designs for mugs, badges, mirrors, bags, etc… following the corporate image of the logo, simple but cheerful and fun. In it you can find all kinds of details and even customize them with another type of phrase or illustration.

The development was done with the content management system WordPress to speed up the editing of posts with texts, images, etc… in addition to its famous online sales component Woocommerce. The web layout is adaptive to any screen size, so you will have no problem viewing it on smartphones, tablets, etc…


  • Fully customised and responsive template design
  • Developed in WordPress and Woocommerce

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Tools used

WordPress/Woocommerce – Javascript – CSS – HTML